
11月2日 「死者の日」追悼式が行われました





On November 2nd, "All Souls Day", we held a memorial service for the first time in three years to commemorate important people in our lives who have passed away. The senior high school students attended the ceremony in the new gymnasium. The junior high school students had display monitors set up in each classroom so they could participate via ZOOM.

On November 1st, the Catholic Church all over the world celebrates "All Saints' Day", a day to commemorate saints. The 2nd is designated as "All Souls Day", a day to remember those who have died, and pray for their souls. These practices began in the Benedictine Abbey of France at the end of the 10th century and then spread throughout the world.

Today, we would like to express our gratitude to those who have already returned to the presence of God among the faculty, staff, and graduates who have been with the school since its founding. We also remember those who have passed away while still in school, our families, and those of our acquaintances who have already passed away.

This day has the feeling of mourning, but at the same time, it is also a day for the light from the world beyond death to shine on our lives and it's meaning and to become motivated to live more positively.
