
Spring Stage


On April 28th, the school band had their “Spring Stage” performance in the school atrium during the lunch hour.
They performed renditions of the songs “Spain”, “Children of Sanchez”, “Hurricane Season”, and “Without You (4 Tonite)”.
The students and staff practiced for a whole month in preparation for this performance.

All the members wore their matching “I am a performer.” shirts.
“The slogan on the shirt is not just about being a person that plays a musical instrument,” said 2nd year student Koki Kawashima, a percussionist in the band.
“It’s about being an entertainer and bringing joy to people.”

The band gave a stellar performance that was very enjoyable.
We look forward to future concerts.

4月28日(水)昼休みに,多目的ホールにて吹奏楽局によるSpring Stageが催されました。
演奏曲目は“Spain”,“Children of Sanchez”,“Hurricane Season”,“Without You (4 Tonite)”。

局員たちが着ているTシャツは,オリジナルのもので胸元に“I am a performer.”とあります。

