

11月1日、全世界のカトリック教会は、永遠の生命へ帰った人々に祈りを捧げる日として「諸聖人の日(All Saints Day)」を祝います。
そして2日を「死者の日(All Soul's Day)」として、死について黙想し、亡くなった人々を思い起こして、その冥福を祈る日としています。




All Soul's Day

On November 1st, Catholic churches around the world celebrated "All Saints Day" to honor saints of the church.
November 2nd is called "All Souls Day", which is a day to meditate on death, remember those who have died, and pray for their souls.
These events began at the Benedictine monastery in France at the end of the 10th century and have since spread throughout the world.

Today at La Salle, we commemorate any faculty members, alumni, family, or other members of the Lasallian family that have passed away and pray for their souls.

It is a time to pray and have a memorial service, but at the same time, it is a time to contemplate how we can live more meaningful lives by shining a light on the world beyond death.

As with last year, in order to avoid the crowds, the priest gave a prayer and a lecture from the broadcasting room.
