英語研究 大会結果


On Thursday, the English Club hosted a visit from the Hakodate School for the Deaf.
Previously, the hearing-impaired students helped the English Club prepare for their presentation on accessibility by hosting a roundtable discussion at the School for the Deaf. This time, the hearing-impaired students could visit us.

The staff and students from the School for the Deaf taught the La Salle students some sign-language that they could use in their presentation and in their daily lives. Then, members of the English Club did their presentation on accessibility. The presentation was transcribed and translated live using the "UD-Talk Mic" transcription device.

We hope that we have more interactions in the future as we strive for a more inclusive world.




英語研究部の生徒たちはに、聾学校のスタッフと生徒たちにプレゼンテーションや日常生活で使える手話を教えていただきました。そして、英語研究部のメンバーは、アクセシビリティに関するプレゼンテーションを行いました。発表の様子は、文字起こし装置「UD-Talk Mic」を使ってライブで文字起こしし翻訳しました。

