Last week, the students participating in the Lasallian InterNational Experience of the Lasallian East Asia District (LINE LEAD) completed their final ZOOM session.
Due to the outbreak of the Omicron-strain of COVID-19 in Hakodate, the students had to re-think about their project to help the elderly citizens of Hakodate because they could not meet in-person. The students decided to write encouraging letters and make a motivational poster for the elderly residents of the Asahigaoka Retirement Home. They delivered the items, and then they made a presentation explaining their project and the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) they hoped to examine.
In the final ZOOM session for LINE LEAD, there were presentations by students from Malaysia, Philippines, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Our students proudly represented Japan. The students gained a valuable experience by being able to listen to the issues faced by students in other countries. We hope that our students can continue to Think Globally and Act Locally.
東アジア管区のラサーリアン国際体験(LINE LEAD)に参加した学生が、最後のZoomセッションに出席しました。
LINE LEADの最後のセッションでは、マレーシア、フィリピン、香港、シンガポールの学生たちがプレゼンテーションを行いました。